Friday 29 April 2011

Finished animation.

This is the finished animation for the Print to Pixel module, thankgod! Overall i was generally pleased with the outcome and particually like that i handmade all the characters like the work produced by Aardman productions such as the Wallace and Gromit characters. I decided to use unordinary colours for the characters as i thought it'd provide something a little bit different, and add to the animated effect. The movement of them however was a little tricky but with a bit of patients i kind of got there in the end :) I was also pleased at how i stuck to the story board idea and how it all fell into place and didnt have to change anything dramatically.

Thursday 28 April 2011

The making of...

...the final animation.

I started off creating my animals out of plastercine, and wire so that they could be moved and changed into different positions for the animation. 

I made cartoon elephants, a lion and a snake, and this is what they looked like...

I then created a blank back ground for the setting of my animation, and directed my camera so it was stable and wouldn't move much between taking the images. 

After taking my series of images, i then imported them into Imovie, and changed the time settings to 0.2 seconds per frame. 

This made my movie 32 seconds long.:)

I next clipped down the section of my music using a program called WavePad again, and faded the beginning and ending in and out to make it smoother. 

I then added this music into Imovie and matched it up with the frames in my animation.. 

After doing this i fiddle around with the contrast and colour settings to make the colours a little more vivid... 

Tuesday 26 April 2011

storyboard idea 3..

This is a story board for the third idea i had. Using the same three words - Dancing, Jungle and Instrumental, i thought of a different story which would relate to these and my piece of music

In this story, the elephants start off playing and dancing in the water from the pond/lake, and then squirt the water aimed at the camera. Then another jungle animal, the snake slithers past them. Next introducing a third jungle animal, the lion comes up behind the elephants and scares them away, which leads into the closing titles. 

another tester..

as i couldnt decide what to do in the back ground of my animation i decided to play around with a few other ideas which could be used in my final animation if i wanted to.

This idea was using cut out shapes from a magazine, and using the stop motion technique to make it appear as if the leaves are falling from the branches.

I origionally thought this could be used as a background image for the animation i was going to make but after creating it i decided it was a little too busy and that it would detract away from the other characters and other things that were happening.

however, after watching this short clip a few times over and over again i decided that i didnt like the outcome and wouldnt be satisfied with it being in the animation at all, and decided to scrap this idea aswell :)

Monday 18 April 2011


After making my ideas on my story board, i decided to do a quick movie of the idea i wanted to portrey to see if it would work how i wanted it to..
 I took pictures of moving around my flat from room to room and pieced it all together in after effects.


I added a clip from the music 'Babel' that i had cut down using WavePad...

however, the final outcome didn't turn out too good so i decided to change my idea all together..

Tuesday 12 April 2011


This is a final version of my story boards.  
My first idea is of the pictures of a journey put together to the beat of the music with the animation over the top..

and the second is the hand drawn bird dancing through the jungle. 


 For this project we had to pick three words that reminded us of our piece of music. After choosing a few words that i thought were relivant to the thoughts i had when i listen to my music i made ideas stemming from these words to make my decision easier.

Every time i listened to the piece the most vivid thought i had was 'jungles', so automatically i knew that jungle would be 1 of my 3 chosen words.

My final three words were:


These are scanned in images of some sketch book work i did to get different ideas for my final story board. 
As my three words were Instrumental, Dancing and Jungle, for my first story board i decided to use the idea of a jungle animals bouncing/dancing through the jungle. The section of music i chose for this ended abruptly so i ended the story with the bird slamming into the screen, to add a bit of fun. 

For my second story board i decided to keep with the jungle theme, but chose to include more animals. 
For this story, I chose a section of music from the beginning of the piece that sounded like different animals making different noises at different intervals. The first 4 sections show the animals individually and then the last section shows them all together as a tribe. 

The third anf final story board idea that i had was something a little different. I decided that the back ground image would still be keeping with the jungle theme, but instead of it being hand drawn they would be still images. I would then create a small animation to have overlaying the images that moved around to create my animation. 

With this idea i originally had the idea of the story starting off in a bedroom/other type of room and working its way down the stairs, out the door, into the car and out into the forest. However after producing this story board i then decided that i could have the animation set entirely in the forest and have the animated section being animals from the jungle walking to the beat of the music.