Sunday 10 April 2011

Darkroom workshops

In this darkroom session we were shown how to set up the equipment to create rayograms and images to make different effects that could be used within our animation.
To create the rayogram I simply exposed each section of the image for different amounts of times to see how long I should expose the whole image for.
For this rayogram i decided to use a daffodil flower, The different thicknesses of the flower made different sections expose easier than others. The petals were thinner than the stem so that section of the image exposed more. 

I started off exposing the image for 4 seconds, and added 4 seconds for each section after that. 
From looking at this rayogram i can see that the top where it had been exposed for 24 seconds is a little bit too over exposed, and thought that the section that had been exposed for 20 seconds looks like the right balance. 

 I then exposed the flower image for a duration of 20 seconds and the picture on the left is how it turned out. However, The petals exposed a little too much compared to the stem so i changed the contrast by adding a level 4 filter. This sorted out my problem and my final image was the image on the right.

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