Thursday 28 April 2011

The making of...

...the final animation.

I started off creating my animals out of plastercine, and wire so that they could be moved and changed into different positions for the animation. 

I made cartoon elephants, a lion and a snake, and this is what they looked like...

I then created a blank back ground for the setting of my animation, and directed my camera so it was stable and wouldn't move much between taking the images. 

After taking my series of images, i then imported them into Imovie, and changed the time settings to 0.2 seconds per frame. 

This made my movie 32 seconds long.:)

I next clipped down the section of my music using a program called WavePad again, and faded the beginning and ending in and out to make it smoother. 

I then added this music into Imovie and matched it up with the frames in my animation.. 

After doing this i fiddle around with the contrast and colour settings to make the colours a little more vivid... 

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